| 1. | The hong kong o ervatory recorded rainfall of more than 200mm in the worst - hit rural areas 天文台在雨势最大的乡郊地区录得超过二百毫米雨量纪录。 |
| 2. | The hong kong observatory recorded rainfall of more than 200mm in the worst - hit rural areas 天文台在雨势最大的乡郊地区录得超过二百毫米雨量纪录。 |
| 3. | Members of the public may recall the 4 direct hits by tropical cyclones in 1999 and the record rainfall of 3 , 343 . 0 mm as recently as 1997 , with damage amounting to hundreds of million dollars or more 市民或可记起1999年本港四度受到热带气旋的正面吹袭,以及仅数年前即1997年所录得的3 , 343 . 0毫米纪录雨量。 |
| 4. | Members of the public may recall the 4 direct hits by tropical cyclones in 1999 and the record rainfall of 3 , 343 . 0 mm as recently as 1997 , with damage amounting to hundreds of million dollars or more 市民或可记起1999年本港四度受到热带气旋的正面吹袭,以及仅数年前即1997年所录得的3 , 343 . 0毫米纪录雨量。 |
| 5. | In the coming rainy season , the hko will provide for public information through radio and television stations the highest recorded rainfall in various regions on an hourly basis during heavy rain 在即将来临的雨季,当下大雨时,天文台会每小时向电台及电视台发布各区在过去一小时内录得的最高雨量,供市民大众参考。 |
| 6. | Shannon airport ' s station recorded rainfall of 48mm on september 21st , which was its highest daily fall for autumn in over 50 years , but it also recorded the highest daily temperature for the season on september 11th , when it was 23 . 1 degrees 夏农机场气象站9月21日的日降雨量记录为48毫米,这是这个地方50年来秋季最高的日降雨记录,但9月11日也是此地这个季节最高的日温记录,当天是23 . 1度。 |
| 7. | The amber rainstorm warning was issued at 11 pm . heavy rain lasted for several hours . more than 30 millimetres of rainfall fell generally over the territory , with part of tsuen wan and tai po areas recording rainfall amounts in excess of 100 millimetres 天文台在晚上11时发出黄色暴雨警告信号,大雨历时数小时,期间本港普遍录得超过30毫米雨量,而荃湾及大埔部分地区更录得超过100毫米雨量。 |